Author Topic: Iowa Meet 2016  (Read 47014 times)

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Offline Mrs.TheDeuceMan

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2016, 12:36:34 PM »
I emailed... dogs are okay (assuming you're following the rules), but NO windchimes!  lol

Exhibit A
Campgrounds Rules and Regulations
1.Only one camper/RV will be allowed per seasonal camp site. Boats and
Trailers are not permitted in campgrounds. No other vehicle or trailer
shall be stored on campsite.
2.No more than TWO (2) vehicles on campsite.
3.No tent camping is allowed. Guests RV's, tents and vehicles will be
required to utilize the campground's transient sites or other facilities.
4.Rathbun Marinas reserves the right to tow Lessee's vehicle at Lessee
expense if the vehicle is parked improperly.
5.Recreational vehicles (campers/motor homes) must have wheels with
serviceable tires attached at all times. Temporary blocking for stability
is permissible. Permanent foundations, tie-downs, skirting, and ground
disturbance to level the RV are prohibited.
6.Lessee is encouraged to require guests to park in the guest parking areas.
7.Double parking for unloading and loading with 15 minute maximum time is
allowed provided the vehicle is attended during unloading or loading.
8.Major construction, repair, painting, or overhaul of Campers will not be
permitted while parked in the campground. Rathbun Marina will determine at
its sole discretion as to what constitutes “major”. Any work of any kind
performed on a parked camper must not create a disturbance, noise, odors,
smoke, or dust and/or create any safety concern or danger to any person,
camper, or Campground property.
9.All outside service providers and subcontractors must be per-approved by
the Marina and must provide a certificate of insurance acceptable to the
Marina. They will not be permitted to solicit business while on Marina
property. They will be required to exhibit safe working practices and may
be required to stop work should they create risk to a person or property
of other tenants or the Marina.
10.Generators are not permitted in campground.
11.Using vacant site is not permitted at any time. If a vacant site is
used by Lessee for any period of time, a fee will be charged.
12.Anyone under 14 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an
adult at all times, while in the campground, marina, and on golf carts.
13.Pets are permitted only if they do not create any disturbance. All pets
must be kept on hand held leashes when being exercised in designated
areas. Pets should NEVER be left unattended.  If your pet is tied out, it
can not exceed the range of your campsite.  Dog Pens/Kennels are NOT
allowed.  All pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pet.
14.Conduct: Camper owners will be held responsible for the conduct of
their family and guests and themselves. Quiet Hours of 10:00pm. to 6am
will be enforced. Please be courteous to your fellow campers. A pattern of
disturbance by Lessee of quiet enjoyment of the others campers in the
campgrounds will result in termination of the lease at our discretion.
15.Per the Corps of Engineers, clothes lines are prohibited in the
16.Hanging wind chimes are prohibited in the campground.
17.All furniture and non-attached accessories around campers must be
secured from blowing away in the event of wind.
18.Mini yard lights, children toys, rope lights, flags, bicycles, lawn
furniture/decorations, tables, screen tents and torches must be removed
and stored in or under RV when site is unoccupied.
19.One (1) outdoor carpet is allowed. Maximum Size 8' X 11'   Outdoor
carpet must be remove from campsite when camper is removed.
20.Maximum ½ cord of Firewood allowed. Must be neatly stacked.
21.All sanitary wastes must be deposited at approved RV dump stations or
connected to an existing permanent sewage disposal system.  One portable
sanitary tank, no longer that 15 gallons may be used while the seasonal
campsite is occupied. The portable tank must not be connected to the RV
when the seasonal campsite is unoccupied and must be stored completely
under the RV.
22.All seasonal campsites must be clean and free of debris, obstructions
and all other items, including dog waste, which may degrade the aesthetics
of the recreation area. General outside storage, with the exception of
small storage tubs and coolers, will not be permitted (includes freezers,
refrigerators, storage boxes etc.)
23.One (1) golf cart will be allowed to remain at the seasonal campsite
when unoccupied. The golf cart must be registered, insured, equipped and
operated in accordance with appropriate county and state laws. In
addition, all operators of such vehicles must have one of the following: a
valid state driver's license, or a valid learners permit. Golf carts
should only be parked in designated golf cart parking areas or within your
campsite, or in front of or behind your own personal vehicle.
24.No additional structures such as decks or storage units shall be placed
on campsites.
25.Storage of propane cylinders and fuel containers of any type under
campers is forbidden.
26.Outdoor grounded RV electric cords and plugs only, no housebound type
extension cord on campsite.
27.Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings including the
restrooms/shower houses.
28.Kegs are NOT permitted.
29.Absolutely NO FIREWORKS of any kind are permitted on marina grounds.
30.All trash is to be deposited into the dumpster. Trash cans are for
litter only.
31.Fish Cleaning must be done on the Corps Courtesy Dock.
32.Please leave the bathroom/shower house facilities as you would like to
find them.
33.Water service begins May 1 and ends  October 30 (weather permitting)
1990 Glastron Futura V249

Offline Mrs.TheDeuceMan

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2016, 12:37:29 PM »
Another question... are you having a t-shirt? 

1990 Glastron Futura V249

Offline dorelse

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2016, 01:14:02 PM »
We have had a last minute change of plans.  We'll be in N. MN boating all of next week, returning late on the 9th.  We'll look for you Northbound on I-35 on Sunday Joe & Laurie!!!
1990 Sierra 1700

Offline Plugcheck

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #43 on: June 29, 2016, 04:21:32 PM »
Sorry to hear that Doran, have a safe trip wherever you may be headed.  As for shirts, no shirts this year, trying  out a new venue and  date for the first time.  Intention is to learn the good and bad, then apply what we learned for next year.   
1979 CVZ-18 388 CI Vortec Mouse
1980 CVX-16SS 140 Mercruiser
1979 CVX-16 Johnson 175
2002 Bennington 2275CC 90 Mercury
1985 Intimidator project
1989 Lowe 200 Redneck fishin Toon
2001 Godfrey Sweetwater pontoon 115 Rude

Offline makinwaves

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #44 on: June 30, 2016, 12:05:23 PM »
No tent camping allowed!?  ???
1978 CV-23 460/ JET

Offline makinwaves

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #45 on: June 30, 2016, 01:14:25 PM »
No tent camping allowed!?  ???

I just checked with Jannell and got this response:

"No tents in addition to a RV on the site.  Because you are tent camper you can have two tents per site for the $25.00 fee."
1978 CV-23 460/ JET

Offline thedeuceman

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #46 on: June 30, 2016, 01:58:29 PM »

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Offline Plugcheck

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2016, 02:23:33 PM »
Just got a confirmation email from Janell, Thursday to Sunday.  I am gonna do a test "launch" in my driveway to see what launching the Z with an rv will be like.  Nope, not a roller trailer thank God.  Just want to see how well the emergency brake and parking pawl work to hold a hill.  My front driveway is easily steeper than most ramps.  When are Joe/Laurie arriving?
1979 CVZ-18 388 CI Vortec Mouse
1980 CVX-16SS 140 Mercruiser
1979 CVX-16 Johnson 175
2002 Bennington 2275CC 90 Mercury
1985 Intimidator project
1989 Lowe 200 Redneck fishin Toon
2001 Godfrey Sweetwater pontoon 115 Rude

Offline thedeuceman

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #48 on: June 30, 2016, 03:33:40 PM »
Thursday evening

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75 CV16 "Gregg's Boat"
75 GT150 "SeaDeuced"... Its Back !!
92 16CSS "Attitude Adjustment" is for sale
75 CV-16V8, Project
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Offline makinwaves

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #49 on: July 05, 2016, 10:41:47 AM »
We'll be late to the party. We're aiming for noon Friday.
1978 CV-23 460/ JET

Offline Plugcheck

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #50 on: July 06, 2016, 10:38:38 AM »
     Just a update for everyone.   Reservations have been rechecked and verified, all is a go for Thursday through Sunday.   Lake level is 905.47, normal is 904.00   Cant imagine 1.5' over normal being any kind of issue.   Weather forecast has Thursday morning showers, clearing to 90 and sunny.  Friday is clear, 87 degrees and 0% chance of rain.  Saturday is partly cloudy with a 10% chance of rain.   Plenty of opportunity for those planning a last minute getaway.  The old digs(honey creek campground) has plenty of openings, not sure of the resort.     Friday lunch will be at the resort which should make a nice cruise from the marina. I should be there around lunchtime on Thursday, Joe and Laurie arrive Thursday evening, and Tim, Christine, and my wife will arrive Friday at lunchtime. 

1979 CVZ-18 388 CI Vortec Mouse
1980 CVX-16SS 140 Mercruiser
1979 CVX-16 Johnson 175
2002 Bennington 2275CC 90 Mercury
1985 Intimidator project
1989 Lowe 200 Redneck fishin Toon
2001 Godfrey Sweetwater pontoon 115 Rude

Offline Mrs.TheDeuceMan

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #51 on: July 06, 2016, 10:20:55 PM »
Sounds like fun!

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1990 Glastron Futura V249

Offline dorelse

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #52 on: July 11, 2016, 10:43:38 PM »
How'd it go?  How was the new camping location?
1990 Sierra 1700

Offline thedeuceman

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #53 on: July 12, 2016, 06:29:00 AM »
Weekend went great, the weather was amazing… Well until Sunday we hung out a little later, went back out on the lake and got a little wet while packing up

We spent most of the afternoon Friday and all day Saturday sitting on the beach hanging out, ran down to the end of the week both days.

The campground was decent, though the spaces were a little more compact than the state park there were flat places to put the tents. The ability to have a slip was amazing, and made it a heck of a lot easier to get on the lake.

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75 CV16 "Gregg's Boat"
75 GT150 "SeaDeuced"... Its Back !!
92 16CSS "Attitude Adjustment" is for sale
75 CV-16V8, Project
74 CV-16... its Purple !

Offline Plugcheck

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #54 on: July 12, 2016, 09:55:21 AM »
       Rathbun 2016 was a great time, here is a brief synopsis of the weekend.  I arrived Thursday the 7th, stopped by the store/office and talked with Janell.  Got all the paperwork and fee's taken care off and then went to prep the CVZ for the water.  One of the staff members helped launch the CVZ as I was a bit uncertain with a 24' RV.   There is no dock to tie off to on the main ramp, but later in the weekend I realized there was a 2nd ramp that did have a dock.  Once the CVZ was tied off in the slip, I dropped the trailer just up the hill, then parked the RV at the campsite and got everything set up.   Power and water are available, but not full hookups.   Not and issue, a dump station exists just outside the camping area.  Had to join some extension cords because power was about 60' away.   The campground is brand new and turf is just getting established.   Restroom facilities are nice, showers are hot.   Even though it had only one shower, I never had to wait in the three days I was there.   Grabbed some refreshments at the convenience store and went out on the lake for about three hours Thursday afternoon.   Joe and Laurie arrived Thursday evening, helped set up and launch their GT.    Enjoyed the evening and company and got to bed a bit late(circa 1am)    Friday came and it was another beautiful day.  Joe/Laurie and I went out for a run, then tied off and floated a bit until the call came that the rest of the party had arrived.  Tim, Christine, and my wife Connie arrived Friday about lunchtime as we were returning from another great ride on the lake.  Had a few starting/launching issues with Tim's GT, took battery out and put on charger.  Loaded up and went to the resort for lunch.   We were able to sit on the patio, and they allowed us to have the dogs just off the patio.   Enjoyed some local brews and great food, then headed back out to cruise the lake.    Found a nice spot to beach just at the entrance of the lake where we could watch all the boats coming and going to the lake.   We were interrupted by the fish biting........US!  Joe and Tim got nipped, Laurie and I had a few brushes.   Funny really, no real injuries involved.  Saturday was yet another gorgeous day on the water, a few pictures taken, cruised the lake, back to sand beach.  Sunday was  bummer, cuz it was time to head back to town.  Had a nice visit, took a group picture, packed up, and headed home.  4 hour drive at 55mph, but not one gravel road was taken.   Access to the camping and marina was awesome, easiest location to access by far(so far).   Staff was attentive and very helpful.   Having a slip was a godsend, made going out/back so much easier.  Except for some hard starting issues on Tim's GT, no other major engine/boat issues occurred.  No one was towed on a rope. 
      Overall we had a great time, it was great to see Joe/Laurie again, would have liked to see more folks from the club, but honestly, we were able to find consensus on activities easier with 6 people.   Weather was phenomenal the entire time except for a brief shower on Sunday afternoon.  For three days camping, slip rental, and ramp fee came to about $150.00, similar in scope to TI.  Here are the links to the tree videos I shot, please don't be too critical, kinda hard to run the boat and shoot video simultaneously.  Probably missed a few things about the weekend sorry, was caught in the moments and didn't document all too well.

1979 CVZ-18 388 CI Vortec Mouse
1980 CVX-16SS 140 Mercruiser
1979 CVX-16 Johnson 175
2002 Bennington 2275CC 90 Mercury
1985 Intimidator project
1989 Lowe 200 Redneck fishin Toon
2001 Godfrey Sweetwater pontoon 115 Rude

Offline makinwaves

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #55 on: July 12, 2016, 12:34:35 PM »
It was a great time except for my speeding ticket on my way home.  :-[
1978 CV-23 460/ JET

Offline makinwaves

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #56 on: July 12, 2016, 12:35:28 PM »
more pics...
1978 CV-23 460/ JET

Offline Hyperacme

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Re: Iowa Meet 2016
« Reply #57 on: July 12, 2016, 12:42:26 PM »
Glad everything went well for you guys ...
Calendar shot !