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Hull identification number
"Boats that were manufactured from 1970 - 1973 carried a seven digit number. The fourth
number from left indicates the year of manufacture. "
In 1973, Glastron starting using letters (GLA...) in the Hull Numbers.
Prior to that, the early 70's were just seven numbers, with the fourth number from the left being the year
(4322414 would be 1972). Starting in 1973 we were required to use prefixes.
Using the prefix you can determine the location the boat was built. Then
the seven digit id number will follow. A single letter and 2 or 3 more numbers which will tell
you the year of manufacture. These procedures are in accordance with coast guard federal
Note that from 1973 forward hull ID numbers were stamped into the rear of the boat. This was federally
required for all '73 and later boats. This is good because the number will always be there and easily read in most cases.
Dane ...
The HIN (Hull identification number) was a federal requirement beginning in Nov 1972, for 1973 model boats. It starts with a 3 letter Manufacturer identification code, followed by a 5 digit serial number and ending with the date of manufacture. The reason for this requirement was for safety and defect recalls. The law allowed for two methods of display. The one Glastron chose was to list the model year M and then a letter for the month of manufacture. August was the traditional first month of building new model year boats so A= August, B=Sept, etc.
So the HIN for your '78 CVX-18 is serial number 10480, Model year 78, built in the 8th month, March 1978.
The standard changed again in Aug 1984. 3 letter MIC, 5 digit S/N, single letter for maunufacture month where A=Jan, single number for manufacture year, two number model year.
Under the 1984 HIN rule your 1978 CVX would have read GCV 10480 C8 78
The "M" means that Glastron was using the optional display of model year instead of certificate date. "M" stands for model year.
When this law went into effect manufacturers didn't like that they would have to stamp 72 into a 1973 model hull so the law allowed the optional method that Glastron used of stamping the model year and then a month code.
Jason ...
After 1984 Glastron HIN codes:
(see attached image below)
Found these numbers on the Glastron History page. Guess they made a lot more boats than I thought!
Shawn posted ...
CNO HIN Decoder
Our HULL ID Decoder breaks down the Hull identification number into the following information:
The HIN or CIN you have entered meets the Current-Format HIN format. It might also be a type that contains the country code and thus the boat comes from USA or Other . The serial number of the HIN is 06174 and is set by the boat builder. This boat or vessel has a Certification Date of (6) and a Model Year of 1987 with month of build (July) based on the formatting of your hull_identification_number (HIN) .
The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is CNO. This MIC (CNO) stands for the company name Glastron-conroy Indust which is currently Out of Business. This boat manufacturer has other company names (CNO sometimes goes by these name(s) Conroy Industries, , , or .
This company (Glastron-conroy Indust) is owned by David Mosley and is located at 3150 I-H 35 W in NEW BRAUNFELS state of TX. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. The Parent Company for this boat maker is GENMAR HOLDINGS INC (). Glastron-conroy Indust has started making boats, yachts and other watercraft as of 8/20/1982 12:00:00 AM and went out of business on (4/28/2005 12:00:00 AM) in the following country: .
Make sure to compare the date of boat manufacturing with the dates in which the company was actually in business.
The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: All Glastron Boats Will Use 'gla' After 8/88shown Oob 880902-mso Corpus Christi Reports Active-891215 Oob Per Ppg 4/28/2005..
Here his the link if you want to check others.
Good thread with various Glaston HIN's:
Hull Identification Numbers from BoatUS.
By Charles Fort
Confusion over model years, especially on outboard engines, can frustrate buyers. Here's how to find that info on the products themselves.
General Motors introduced planned obsolescence in the 1920s as a way of discerning one model year from another, in order to convince the public that buying the latest model car was fashionable, if not exactly necessary. The tradition set by GM survives today. Eventually, consumers began to rely on the model-year change, which usually happened in the fall, to assure that they were getting the latest and greatest. Car buyers still eagerly anticipate the newest technology, and dealers often offer deep discounts to move out last year's models.
Manufacturers of other big-ticket items, such as boats and outboards, followed suit, hoping to convince buyers that the newer the boat, the better the boat. For years, U.S. Coast Guard regulations required boat manufacturers to use August 1 of the previous year as the cutoff date for the next model year. For example, a boat built in September 2011 could be called a 2012 model, but if it was built in July, it had to be sold as a 2011.
In 2012, boatbuilders petitioned the Coast Guard to change the date to June 1, allowing for an extra two months of production to still be labeled as next year's model. Manufacturers argued that because of marine production schedules, which, unlike automaker schedules, tend to fall at erratic times throughout the year, they needed to have more flexibility in designating the time span of their new model year.
The Coast Guard agreed to make the change, permitting a couple of months of last year's boats to be called this year's.
Fortunately, it's fairly simple to find your boat's build date. (See "HINs By The Numbers") The information with the boat's model year is contained in the hull identification number (HIN), which is a label permanently affixed to the boat. The number includes a date assigned by the builder. This date is technically not the date of manufacture; rather, it's the date on which the boat was certified by the builder to meet Coast Guard regulations.
Some boats, especially large ones, may be on the floor for months before completion (even straddling the June cutoff date), while others may be finished in a matter of days. To be consistent, the Coast Guard uses the date the manufacturer says the boat meets federal regs. Once the HIN is assigned and affixed, that date becomes the boat's model year, regardless of when it was actually finished.
Once a HIN has been put on the boat, it can't be changed without permission from the commandant of the Coast Guard, which rarely happens. New boat buyers should look at the HIN and verify that the boat in which they're interested actually belongs to the model year that the dealer claims for it. Used-boat buyers should also decipher the HIN and make sure it matches what the seller and paperwork state.
What About My Engine?
The Coast Guard has no model-year regulations for outboard engines, making it harder for consumers to determine the year in which they were built. In 2007, Yamaha stopped designating model years for its outboard engines entirely. Though the reasoning is sound, it creates a challenge for consumers.
Unlike cars, in which engines are built into the product, a selection of engines usually can be fitted on outboard boats. Dealers have struggled for years to make sure that the engines bought from an engine manufacturer during one year get sold that same year on new boats.
If a boat on the showroom floor comes with a 200-hp engine but a buyer wants a 250-hp engine, the dealer may have to order the bigger engine and keep the smaller one in stock. If it takes a couple of years to finally sell that 200-hp engine, a buyer may be reluctant to buy it if the model year isn't current, and the dealer may have to subsequently discount it. Buyers typically want a 2017 engine, for example, on their 2017 boat.
Eliminating the model year solves the problem for the manufacturer and dealer but can be confusing for buyers. Other outboard manufacturers, including Mercury and Honda, adopted Yamaha's practice, and most outboard engines today don't have model-year designations. Outboard manufacturers say that until they make a significant change to an engine, the year it was built is irrelevant. While that's true, buyers are concerned that if there's no model-year designation, they don't know if they're getting the newest technology.
Fortunately, there's still a way to determine when an outboard was built. After discontinuing model years, engine manufacturers replaced the model-year designator on the engine's serial number with a code that signifies an "era" in which all engines are supposed to be the same, with similar upgrades. Consumers, however, are concerned that with computer controls, mechanically identical engines could have electronic updates applied to a batch of similar models, and earlier ones might not benefit.
What's considered an upgrade? In the end, the engine manufacturer gets to decide what it is and when there's enough of one to create a new model. Fortunately, dealers usually know which engines in their stock have the most current changes, and you should ask before buying.
What About Warranties?
Manufacturers say that the warranty begins when the engine is sold, regardless of its build date. BoatUS members have asked BoatUS Consumer Protection about engines that may have been sitting around for two or three years. What if they've been damaged over time? By unknowingly buying an engine that may be one, two, or even three years older than their new boat, will they be hit with higher depreciation when it comes time to sell their boat?
Fortunately, the manufacturer's warranty will cover even older engines of the same model, but buyers should verify how many hours are on an engine before buying it. Manufacturers say that depreciation should not be an issue on two identical engines of the same model, regardless of age, but most buyers want the newest one available, and an older engine, even if it's indistinguishable from a newer one, is typically worth less to a first or second buyer.
The good news for consumers is that while outboard engines may not have model years, it's possible to find out when the engine was made. In recent years, a permanent sticker typically can be found on the transom bracket, usually near the serial-number sticker, that gives the month and year of engine manufacture. As a buyer, you can negotiate for the newest engine — or for a discounted older one — if you know what to look for
HINs By The Numbers
A typical hull identification number (HIN) consists of 12 letters and numbers, as in ABC12345D404.
Here's what the letters and numbers mean:
ABC: This is the U.S. Coast Guard-assigned manufacturer identification code (MIC). Go to the USCG Manufacturers Indentification page to access the Coast Guard's MIC database.
12345: This is the serial number assigned to the hull by the manufacturer. This may be a combination of letters and numbers. The letters "I," "O," and "Q" are excluded because they could be mistaken for numbers.
D: This is the month of certification, indicating the month in which construction began. "A" represents January and "L" represents December. In our example, "D" means April.
4: This is the year of certification. The number is the last digit of the year in which the boat was built. "4" in this case designates 2004.
04: This indicates the boat's model year.
Glastron / Carlson HIN list ..
Date code until 1984...
A = Aug
B = Sept
C = Oct
D = Nov
E = Dec
F = Jan
G = Feb
H = Mar
I = Apr
J = May
K = June
L = July
Date code after 1984
A = Jan
B = Feb
C = Mar
D = Apr
E = May
F = June
G = July
H = Aug
I = Sept
J = Oct
K = Nov
L = Dec
Color code ..
A = Apricot
AM = Amber Metallic
BL = Blue
BK = Black
BR = Brown
BRZ = Bronze
C = Champagne
CO = Coral
CS = California Special
E = E Mist
F = Amber
GL = Gold
GR = Green
GTs = GT160 seats
OR = Orange
OY = Orange / Yellow
P = Plum
R = Red
S = Silver
Y = Yellow
112K 1960's C100
1151 1965 18 Inboard
1215 1967 18 Cyclone
1230 1966 Challenger
1265 1965 Contender BL
1439 1965 Contender GL
1455 1965 Contender
1462 1965 Contender GL
1471 1966 Contender
1497 1968 Contender GR
1516 1966 Challenger
1780 1968 Challenger BL
1804 1968/69 Challenger BL
1843 1968 Challenger BL
1554 1967 Contender P
1745 1967 Challenger
1957 1969 Challenger
2121 1970 Conquest
2170.B 1970 Contender BL
2287.B 1970 Conquest I/O
2291.B 1970 CV16 A
2369-B 1971 Challenger A
2410-B 1971 CV16 A
2417-B 1971 CV16 A
2425-B 1971 CV16 A
2426-B 1971 CV16 A
2528-B 1971 CV16 A
2572-B 1971 CV16 A
2629-C 1971 CV16 A
2631-C 1971 CV16 A
2640-C 1971 CV16 A
2650-C 1971 CV16 GR
10237 1971 CV21
10282 1971 Challenger
10301 1971 CV21
10338 1971 CV21
10344 1971 CV19
10380 1971 CV16 GR
10872 1971 CV21
1391054 1971 CV16 A
1391094 1971 CV19SS
1392532 1971 CV19SS
1591001 1971 CV16 A
00569 1972 CV16 BL
00570 1972 CV16 A
00822 1972 CV16 A
119224 1972 CV16SS GL
119309X 1972 CV16SS A
1193221 1972 CV16 A
1193280 1972 CV16SS A
1292080 1972 CV21
1292085 1972 CV16SS GL
1292313 1972 CV21 GR
1292434 1972 CV16SS GL
1292503 1972 CV16 GL
1392011 1972 CV16SS
1392062 1972 CV16SS GL
1392235 1972 CV16SS GL
1492078 1972 CV16SS
1493143 1972 CV19SS GL
1493208 1972 CV16 GL
GCV000051172 1972 CV16SS A
GCV000621172 1972 CV16. A
GCV1292519 1972 CV19 GR
1493244 1973 CV16SS A
1493258 1973 CV19SS BL
1493429 1973 CV16SS GL
1193245 1973 CV16 BL
1193250 1973 CV19SS GL
1193280 1973 CV16SS A
1193309 1973 CV16 BL
GCV00145M73E 1973 CV16 BL
GCV00234M73E 1973 CV16 A
GCV00417M73G 1973 CV16 A
GCV00448M73G 1973 CV21 I/O
GCV00501M73G 1973 CV16 A
GCV00661M73H 1973 CV21 BR
GCV00681M73I 1973 CV16 R
GCV00797M73I 1973 CV16SS
GCV00844M73? 1973 CV16 A
GCV00901M73J 1973 CV16 R
GCV1193059 1973 CV16 A
GCV1193295 1973 CV16 A
GCV1493077 1973 CV16SS
GCV1493208 1973 CV16 BL
GCV01014M74A 1974 CV16 GR
GCVO1172M74A 1974 CV16SS BL
GCV01762M74C 1974 CV16SS. GR
GCV01818M74C 1974 CV19 A
GCV01847M74D 1974 CV21 GL
GCV01896M74D 1974 CV16 GR
GCV02070M74F 1974 CV16 GR
GCV02087M74F 1974 CV16 BL
GCV02206M74F 1974 CV16 GR
GCV02379M74H 1974 CV16 GR
GCV02358m74h 1974 CV-18
GCV02489M74I 1974 CV16
GCVO2552M74J 1974 CV21 GL
GCV02569M74I 1974 CV16 GR
GCV02607M74J 1974 CV16 P
GCV026390674 1975 CV16 BL
GCV026560674-1975MODEL CV21
GCV026680674-1975MODEL CV19SS
GCV028950574-1975Model CV16 P
GCV03087M75A 1975 CV16 P
GCV03283M75 1975 CV16V8 P
GCV03325M75C 1975 CV16SS BR
GCV03327M75C 1975 CV16 P
GCV03265M75B 1975 CV21 BR
GCV03496M75D 1975 CV16SS BR
GCV03889M75C 1975 CV16V8 P
GCV040110576-1976MODEL CVC18 GL
GCV04252M76A 1976 CV20 Jet BL
GCV04275M76B 1976 CV16 V8 BL/OMC
GCV04295M76B 1976 CVX20 OR
GCV04456M76D 1976 CV16 R
GCV04459M76D 1976 CV16 V8 OR
GCV04535M76D 1976 CV16 R
GCV04562M76E 1976 CVX20 BL
GCV04565M76E 1976 CVX20 BL
GCV04598M76E 1976 CV16 BL
GCV04619M76E 1976 CV16 R
GCV04766M76F 1976 CV16 BL
GCV04857M76G 1976 CV16 X
GCV04934M76H 1976 CV16 S GTs
GCV05248M76I 1976 CV23
GCV05368M76J 1976 CV16SS OR
GCV05550M76K 1976 CV23 OR
GCV05645M77K 1977 CVX16
GCV05855M77L 1977 CVX16SS
GCV06021M77A 1977 CVX16 OR
GCV06310M77C 1977 CVX16 OR
GCV06399M77C 1977 CVX20Jet. BL
GCV06472M77C 1977 CVX20 Jet OR
GCV06511M77D 1977 CVX16 OR
GCV07073M77F 1977 CVX20 Jet S
GCV07097M77F 1977 CVX20Jet OR
GCV07808M77 1977 CVX20 Sprint S
GCV07825M77 1977 CVX20 Sprint GL
GCV08056M77J 1977 CVX16D S
GCV08868M78A 1978 CVX16 OR
GCV09123M78B 1978 CVZ18
GCV09332M78C 1978 CVX16 BL
GCV09368M78C 1978 CVZ18 BL
GCV09439M78D 1978 CVZ18 GL
GCV09446M78D 1978 CVX20 Sprint
GCV09653M78E 1978 CVX16
GCV10138M78G 1978 CVX16D BL
GCV10220M78G 1978 CVX18 BRZ
GCV10253M78C 1978 CV23HT
GCV10465M78H 1978 CVZ18 GL
GCV10480M78H 1978 CVX18 S
GCV10799M78I 1978 CV23 Jet
GCV10886M78J 1978 CVX16 OR
GCV11892M79C 1979 CVX16D OR
GCV12072M79D 1979 CVX16 BL
GCV1217OM79D 1979 CVX18
GCV12362M79C 1979 CVZ18 OR
GCV12480M79B 1979 CVX16 OY
GCV12593M79C 1979 CV27 BR
GCV13945M79H 1979 CVX16 OR
GCV14183M79H 1979 CV23
GCV14346M79I 1979 CVX20 Jet BL
GCV14591M79 1979 CVX20
GCV1493M79K 1979 CVX20
GCV14961M79C 1979 CVX20 BL
GCV14974M79K 1979 CVX18 C
GCV15162-80M79L 1979 CVZ18 E
GCV15210M79L 1979 CVX18 BL
GCV14796M79J-80 1980 CV27 BL
GCV15361M80A 1980 CVX16SS. BL
GCV15600M80B 1980 CVX16 BL
GCV15687M80B 1980 Timmi B
GCV15817M80C 1980 CVX16 GL
GCV16218M80C 1980 CVX18 CS
GCV16299M80F 1980 CVX16 BL
GCV16332M80F 1980 CVZ19 C
GCV16441M80F 1980 Scimitar E
GCV16538M80G 1980 CVX16SS BL
GCV16623M80G 1980 CVX18 CS
GCV16631M80C 1980 CV23 I/O
GCV16389M80F 1980 CVX18 C
GCV16390M80F 1980 CVX18 C
GCV16200M80E 1980 CVX18 C
GCV16904M80L-81 1981 CV27 Y
GCV16935M81A 1981 C512 E
GCV17038M81B 1981 C500 R
GCV174774M81B 1981 18CSS BL
GCV17454M81D 1981 CVX18 CS
GCV17482M81E 1981 C500 BL
GCV17568M81E 1981 C500 Yellow
GCV17524M81F 1981 C500. R
GCV17586M81F 1981 C512 BL
GCV17613M81F 1981 CVX18 BL
GCV17676M81F 1981 C500 Yellow
GCV17686M81F 1981 C500 Yellow
GCV17689M81F 1981 CXT Scimitar
GCV17692M81F 1981 C500 Yellow
GCV17759M81G 1981 Ski Machine GL
GCV17773M81G 1981 C500 Yellow
GCV17776M81G 1981 C512 E
GCV17786M81G 1981 C512 BL no flake
GCV17891M81F 1981 C500 Yellow
GCV17891M81H 1981 C537 R
GCV17930M81H 1981 CVX20 SM GL
GCV18293M81L 1981 C537 C
GCV18531M82G 1982 CVX20 Jet
GCV18595M82D 1982 C535 F
GCV18642M82D 1982 CVX16
GCV18678M82E 1982 CVX18 AM
GCV18793M82G 1982 C535 F
GCV18980M82J 1982 CV27 BR
GCV19119M83D 1983 CVX17 GL
GCV19207M83F 1983 CVX16 BR
GCV19228M83F 1983 CVX17 R
GCV19262M83H 1983 CVX16 R
GCV19295M83I 1983 Timmi R
GCV19408M83K 1983 CV23 BL OMC
GCV19508M84A 1984 Timmi O
GCV19552M84B 1984 CVX17 BR
GCV19590M84B 1984 CVX17 CO
GCV20000M84I 1984 Timmi P
GNO01706M84G 1984 CVX16 BR
CN001990M84 1984 CVX16 BR
GLAC4185M84F 1984 CVX17 S
GLAC4859M84I 1984 CVX17 BL
GCV20065H485 1985 CVX20 Sprint
GLAC5121H485 1985 CV23 BR
GLAC5413H485 1985 CVX18 R
GLAC5421H485 1985 CVX18 R
GLAC5639H485 1985 CVX17 R
GLAC5673H485 1985 Timmi CO
GLAC5816I485 1985 CVX16 S
GLC01030A686 1986 CV23 R
CNO05016L586 1986 CVX20 Sprint R
CN005188A686 1986 CVX17 R
CN005504C686 1986 CV23 R
CNO05385B686 1986 CVX16 S
CNO06174G687 1987 CVX16 R
CNO06189G687 1987 CVX18 R
CNO07411C787 1987 CVX18 BR
CNO07583D787 1987 CV23 BL
CN008131F788 1988 CVX23 BK
CN008925K788 1988 CVX18 BK
GLA03352F788 1988 CVX16 R
GLC04100K788 1988 CVX23 BL
GLC04942D888 1988 CVX23
GLC05386G889 1989 CVX23
CNO10087F889 1989 16CSS BL
GLA10606K889 1989 19CSS
GLAT1075B989 1989 18CSS Wing
GLAC1262C989 1989 18CSS
GLAC1395E989 1989 19CSS 302 ci MC
GLAC1470F890 1990 19CSS R
GLAC157I1990 1990 19CSS R
GLAC167I1990 1990 18CSS R
GLAC1704F990 1990 18CSS R
GLAM1197D191 1991 16CSS LE
GLAM1210D191 1991 16CSS LE
GLAC1012GI92 16CSS 1992 16CSS
GLAG1022HI92 16CSS 1992 16CSS
GLAG1028HI92 1992 16CSS
GLAG1109C292 16CSS 1992 16CSS
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