Many of you have followed my boat and saw that I've replaced or rebuilt just about everything mechanical (motor, drive, hydraulics, steering, re-cleared the flake, found a windshield). Its a great boat, but it needs a floor, and I bet it needs stringers. Its usable, but you can feel the soft spots in the back. Always been a west coast freshwater boat. I don't know if it has ever been full of water from rain, but everything tells me no. I keep it covered and a tarp over that since I got it. Transom is solid from what I can see and tell but lets factor that in as well.
Is my boat worth redoing the floor/stringer/transom on? What about the foam rear corners? can those be made into storage instead of foam filled?
I've read post threads and watched videos. I've owned corvettes and did glass work on them myself.
I love the boat, want to keep it, but also don't know if I want to undertake this myself. Do I go up to the bulkhead by your feet? Do I pull the cap and do it all? Do I find a place to di it if I pull the boat apart and take them an empty hull?
So many ideas, so little time, but again, I love the boat, its a great size and it a ton of fun where we take it (lower colorado river).
The boat is together right now and needs the trim rams resealed for this season... and ill keep using it till I decide what to do, onyl concern is what damage am I doing to the boat be using it with a bad floor and possibly bad stringers (and from motor mount support)?