General Category > Classified / Wanted to Buy

Spark Plug Wires


These are brand  new. Engine never fired with them installed. The description says for "side terminal distributor but they'd plug into a standard upright cap as well. Just not a HEI style. After going back and forth about 4 times, I finally got these that actually fit but I had to change these out due to them not being compatible with my Unilite electronic ignition. Non suppression type.
These are made by United Ignition Wire Corp and appear to be high quality. I definitely preferred these over the Accels I ended up with. For one thing, they fit better.
So if you have a V8 (or 4,6 and have spares) these would be good replacements if you do not have electronic ignition and I wouldn't recommend them if you have a stereo in your boat. Might cause static. Paid 46.40 Plus shipping which I think was in the 10.00-12.00 range. I'll sell them for 35.00. If I have to ship, a bit more.
I tossed out the box, so...



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