Author Topic: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration  (Read 4304 times)

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Offline NickD

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1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« on: July 26, 2023, 10:48:37 PM »
Hello everyone!

I had an old account on here that I can no longer access so I had to go ahead and make a new one. My only post on my previous account was reaching out to see if anyone knew of any GT160s for sale and that was back in 2016 I believe. Anyways, years later now, I was finally able to find one close enough to me and worth the drive. I found it in Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Since then, I've been busy with life and had stored it and kept it dry until I could finally get to starting the restoration. Well the time has come where I'm wanting to start in on this huge project.

I was hoping to get some advice from all of the knowledgeable members here in the Glastron community on where to start with this as it has some pretty serious (to me anyways) damage at the transom and splashwell from the tower of power puncturing holes through the gel and transom and cracking the splash well.

I have most of the interior stripped out. Just have to remove the MerControl unit to remove the upper side padding and then I'll get to the dash.

I see most people tend to split the hull in order to do the restoration properly, which I agree with. However, before doing so, I am wondering if anyone has had a similar restoration as to what I am up against. Would you guys tackle the splash well first before splitting the hull? Or would it be best to just split the hull and work on the transom, floor, and stringers first then deal with the splash well after the fact? I am worried about everything fitting back together and tightly so there's no gap between the mold of the splashwell and the wood of the transom as it would just end up cracking again once the outboard is clamped and bolted back on.

Also, seeing as the outboard bracket punctured holes through the outer skin, it also seemed to have pulled the outer skin from the holes up to the lip in an outwards (aft) direction. Would that all get corrected once the new marine plywood is in? As bad as the outer skin is I've been told to not cut it out and work with it in place and then once the transom is replaced I can refinish the outside (Holes, stress cracks, blistering...)

I've attached some pictures to see what I am up against. I have been told to not even bother and to take it out in the lake and sink it. However, a greater number of people have told me its a great candidate for restoration. I am hoping that is the case. I know it will be a lot of time and money but the time I'm not so concerned about and it would be a boat I would keep for the rest of my life and pass down in the family so to me it is worth it. I am also doing it to gain more knowledge and skill with fiberglass work and boat building.

Sorry for the long post but if you guys managed to get through it, I appreciate you taking the time to do so and hopefully I hear back from everyone on some tips and guidance as to where to go from here.

Thanks everyone!

1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2023, 10:52:17 PM »
Sorry I could only post so many at a are a few more pics
1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2023, 10:57:23 PM »
A few more...
1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2023, 11:00:53 PM »
And the outside of her...That's all for now!

1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
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Offline Plugcheck

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2023, 07:44:51 AM »
I may have missed where you/boat are located?  Only that you found it in Ontario.     Full restoration is not a terrible project, but it will take some time and money as I'm sure you are aware.    Considering this project as one you'll keep forever, I would certainly recommend a composite build, poured transom.    What are the shop conditions?  If you have heat, this would make a great winter project.    Careful if it's a heated attached garage as the resto products can really stink up a house.    As for the how-to, there are literally dozens of restoration threads on the gt-150/160's to be found in the archives.   Joe(Dueceman) just wrapped up a gt-150 rebuild so that should be easy to find.     Plan well, budget twice as much time as you originally thought, and know you're making the world that much better by saving a Glastron!
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Offline Hyperacme

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2023, 12:37:48 PM »
At least ya know transom wood is soft and easy to remove ..   ::)
I removed everything I could over the winter, then in spring pulled deck and replaced transom and rear flooring.
Best to rip out as much as you can to see how bad it is under floor.
My stringer and floor wood, forward of splash well were still OK.
I agree with Mike as to replacing with composites.

There are a lot of rebuilds on the forum, not many on GT's .. but the way it's done is the same for most boats.

Offline Plugcheck

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2023, 02:29:58 PM »
Definitely the transom is wet bread, but an easy way to check stringers and floors is to drill into them with a small bit.   Looking at the pics, I'm guessing bad stringers and floor, but who knows.   
1979 CVZ-18 388 CI Vortec Mouse
1980 CVX-16SS 140 Mercruiser
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Offline thedeuceman

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2023, 04:22:59 PM »
I think you need to split the hull, the outer skin of the transom will be fine the way it is, if you use marine ply or coosa when you clamp it to the new transom it will flatten right out, after that you can fill/fix the bad spots. if you were to pour it with sea-cast or arjay 6011 (as i did on our GT150) the repair will need to be done first. as far as the splash well, do it after. actually its so bad you may consider cutting the back of it out, and building it in after the top is back on. the first time i rebuilt out GT150 i did this because the P.O. had cut it out. i would just replace the stringer and floor. as far as fitting it back together before you remove the cap take some measurements of the width at the rub rail, then put boards of the correct length in there when you are installing the transom, floor and stringers, that way the hull wont loose its shape. i used ratchet straps the first time with a measurement from the transom to bow tip, but i think the boards work better
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Offline Hyperacme

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2023, 04:39:06 PM »
Different .. but a lot of good general info on rebuilding

Not a lot of info but some pictures of what your transom looks like ..

GT160 seat info ..

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2023, 09:51:46 PM »
@Plugcheck Sorry I did only mention where I picked it up. I live in Ottawa, Ontario and the boat is there as well. Unfortunately I don't have a heated garage. It would be awesome to make use of the winter months but it is what it is. However, the garage is attached to the house so thanks for the heads up about the smell of the resto products although hopefully with the garage doors up in the warmer months it will help air things out. I'll definitely look in to the poured transom option. I am worried about the outer skin being pulled out so since it is not factory straight I'm wondering if I should just go with the marine ply so when it is all clamped to set it will flatten out as @thedeuceman mentioned. But time will tell. I will investigate and research my options while I move forward with stripping the boat out and prepping to split the hull.

Thanks a lot for the feedback it is much appreciated! Glad to hear I'll be making the world a better place! Nice to get some support behind this instead of hearing the old "don't even bother...just scrap's not worth it..."    Ill be going through all the threads that I can for info!

1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2023, 10:03:08 PM »
@Hyperacme Thanks a lot for the links and seat info! Ill definitely need some shells down the line. That's my plan with this one. I've seen people make some pretty nice wooden cradles to get the boat off the trailer in the garage so I am hoping to mimic some of the designs I've seen. I saw a pretty nice set up from someone who had a red GT160 but can't remember where I found it! I'm thinking I will just replace everything while I have it all torn apart. I won't rush the process and would like everything to be new. Judging by all the cracks in the resin on the floor I can only imagine that everything is basically rotted but we'll see! Hopefully the transom comes out nice and easily like you said!

Once the floor is up, I'd imagine you shouldn't stand in the boat anymore directly on the fiberglass right? Are most people just working at the hulls standing and reaching from the outside or is it in fact safe to stand in them with no floor?

1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline Hyperacme

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2023, 10:13:22 PM »
That why you want a cradle or bunk trailer and side supports .. so you can get inside of the hull.

This will give you something to shoot for ... original GT160 or at least restored to original  8)

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2023, 10:22:56 PM »
@thedeuceman Oh man Joe thanks a lot for the advice!! I've been hung up scratching my head wondering about the splash well and transom damage being on two different parts of the boat and not knowing what to tackle first. I didn't want to jump the gun and split the hull only to find out after the fact that I should have dealt with it while it was together or something. I have looked through a bunch of threads and info over the years but I could never really find a resto with my exact situation. I've seen a lot of them where the outer skin and splashwell are fine and so splitting the hull, replacing what is needed and reassembling seemed straight forward but with what I've got going on I was a little leery of just jumping in to it without knowing for sure. So thanks that's great. Now I know I can go ahead and split the hull and can worry about the splashwell later as to make some headway on the transom, stringer and floor. I agree though, I will probably have to cut that lip of the splashwell out since its pretty well junk beyond trying to repair. I had a quick look at your resto links you posted but I will definitely have an in-depth look and read them all the way through. Lots of good info. I'm thinking of going with the marine ply for my first project here since that will be sure to flatten out the outer skin. Not sure that I am confident I will get it perfectly flat in order to pour having never done something like this before. the wood work I know I am comfortable with but we'll see as I research and how I feel once all the grunt work is done.

I'm thinking of building a wooden cradle to get the boat off the trailer in the garage. I've seen people mount boards vertically off the the side of the wooden cradle to hold the shape of the hull. Is putting some horizontally across the inside of the hull once the cap is off as opposed to vertically outside the hull to hold it's shape what you're suggesting? 

Thanks again for all the tips and advice! I hope you all enjoy following along as I make some progress on this project!
1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2023, 10:31:41 PM »
@Hyperacme  Oh baby!!! That's the dream right there!! Is that yours? I even have the exact same Merc. I was told it was the original 71 Tower that came with the boat from the dealer! Cant wait to get mine looking like that!  ;D

Makes sense for the supports. The trailer it's on is a bunk trailer but I think I prefer to get it on a cradle. So then vertical supports on the outside of the hull should suffice to keep the shape then.
1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline Hyperacme

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2023, 11:30:39 AM »
No .. not my boat.

You can get the serial number off your swivel in front of your motor and get year from this data list.

Most of pictures are missing because of software update, but might have some GT160 specific info

Offline ford-bldr

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2023, 04:56:12 PM »
Lots of potential there.
If it's fiberglass, It's fixable.
Splitting the boat is the best way to go.

Glastron used CDX plywood.
Marine grade isn't really required. Just coat everything everywhere with resin.

Love that model.

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Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2023, 07:34:25 PM »
@Hyperacme Thanks for the info! Started reading through the GT160 threads some great info in there. Sucks most of the pics are gone they would have been nice to go along with the info but still a great read.
1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1

Offline NickD

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Re: 1971 Glastron GT160 Restoration
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2023, 07:37:14 PM »
@ford-bldr Same here. I've loved this model since I was a kid and my parents had one but sold it...Glad I've got my hands on another one. Can't wait to get it all restored! Thanks for the advice on on the ply, makes sense! Ill decide what I'll do when I get there.
1971 Glastron GT160
1973 Spindrift 13
1982 C&C 30 MK 1